Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Brewmaster Macros

I use tons of macros when I play and they are one of my favorite things in WoW. Most are just quality of life improvements, not game changing, however unlike add-ons, macros are not stored locally. It’s super nice to have customization follow you from machine to machine if you switch a lot like I do.  I've decided to list them here for a reference.

Talent Switching Macro Buttons:
This macro switches your spell button based on what ability you spec into. The specific one listed below is for Monk level 90 talents, but you can write one for each tier where you’re going to be picking active abilities. Copy and paste this as a new macro, Where I have “Utility”, enter your macro name. If you want to make one for any other tier, simply sub in the spell names from that tier (i.e. if I were making one for level 60 talents, it would be /use Ring of Peace instead of Rushing Jade Wind).

/use Rushing Jade Wind
/use Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger
/run local G=GetSpellInfo SetMacroSpell("Utility", G"Rushing Jade Wind" or G"Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger")

Engineers:  Fire off Synapse Springs when casting Elusive Brew. Adds a bit of extra dodge, and helps incur a few more stacks of EB for later use by pumping up your crit chance a bit.

/use 10
/cast Elusive Brew

So these two macros I use together. The first just sets a focus target. This is handy for a number of reasons. The second I use to replace Spear Hand Strike. If you have a focus, and try to interrupt, if will be cast @ your focus target. If you do not have a focus target, it will be your current target. Works great for tanking multiple mobs where you have one specifically you want to interrupt.

/set focus

/cast [@focus,exists] Spear Hand Strike; Spear Hand Strike

Hand of Protection Cancel Macro
Useful if you have a pally in your raid that tries to bubble off your debuffs so you don’t have to sit through the full duration of HoP.

/cancelaura Hand of Protection

Pull Macro
Starts a countdown in DBM (just like what you see at the beginning of a BG or Challenge Mode).

/dbm pull5

Extra Camera Zoom
Very useful at times. Maybe I just like having more control, but I hate it when the problem I’m having is visibility and not the encounter itself. As a note, this button must be pushed each time you log in to reset the max camera distance to max.

/console CameraDistanceMaxFactor 5

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