Wednesday, July 10, 2013

So, a blog post eh?

     We’ll I’ve been toying with the idea of spending some time blogging again for a while now. I really liked it when I was playing my priest, and feel comfortable enough with the Monk class to put my thoughts out there. I find myself in a strange predicament. I haven’t played my prest in a bit, so that blog is now, and will have to stay dead (although I recently DID level him to 90 and have begun LFRing). I play my monk tank now exclusively and have a few ideas for posts, but how do I start when my last post was during MOP beta? I guess this post will be that boring one where I tell my whole WoW story as an introduction and get to more of the posts I’d like to be doing afterwards. I don’t like doing posts like this, but I think it’s necessary for me to just start typing and get things going. That’s the real reason I’m doing this. I fought down the inclination to say that I think this is a better way to start the blog than jumping right in; so as to give context in my observations in light of my past in game expierences. But that’s not true. I’m just not a good writer and need to type out a bunch of stuff to get my head in the right place. You’ve been warned not to read this post. J